Station Meltdown
Station Meltdown
Station Meltdown

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Station Meltdown

Station Meltdown

Station Meltdown is a dramatic and harrowing challenge in managing a space station threatened by collapse and fire. You will play the role of an astronaut, facing an emergency situation occurring at your base. The temperature suddenly becomes hot and suffocates for no apparent reason. Your mission is to use all your skills and knowledge to prevent the station's decline and keep everyone safe.

Experience the Creative Gameplay

Station Meltdown's gameplay focuses on making quick and accurate decisions. The sudden appearance of opponents creates a tense and exciting atmosphere, requiring quick and decisive reactions. Every decision affects the final outcome of the game. Since you won't be able to know the map design at the base, visibility is extremely important. Your character can move through glowing doors and advance to many different rooms.

How to Play

This first-person game will create a surreal and thrilling feeling in every moment. Start your journey of exploration and combat. Get ready to put your hands on simple but powerful buttons!

To move, you use WASD keys, and each attack is equivalent to one mouse key press. Besides, move the mouse to look around and aim accurately. Pay attention to the strength indicator bar to preserve the longest life for your character.

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