Handstand Run
Handstand Run
Handstand Run

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Handstand Run

Handstand Run


In the game Handstand Run, you'll have to run with your feet in the air and your head on the ground. The ability to accomplish a handstand is often considered to be one of the most difficult physical feats. In point of fact, though, it is possible to walk and even run while in a handstand. Now is your chance to show how well you can accomplish these things!



There is just one other person competing against you, and your goal is to cross the finish line before they do. You will successfully complete the level if you beat your opponent to the platform and step through it before they do. You will need to walk quickly in order to navigate the platform's ups and downs. But you must not lose sight of the fact that you are currently walking on your hands. You always have the option to change the position of your legs in order to go quicker or slower. In addition to that, be careful not to lose your footing and topple over. Now it's time to find out whether or not you have what it takes to win this strange competition!