Geometry Dash Stereo Bound
Geometry Dash Stereo Bound
Geometry Dash Stereo Bound

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Geometry Dash Stereo Bound

Geometry Dash Stereo Bound

Geometry Dash Stereo Bound invites you on an irreversible adventure filled with complex transformations. Immerse yourself in the exciting music and try to guide the little cube to the finish line. You will become an emerging pro if you win this challenge. This is a user-level game designed by four creators: Florent, Adiale, Schady, and NatDakGD. The game has a 3-star Normal difficulty and includes 3 user coins.

Walk through the Main Map

The opening sequence of Geometry Dash Stereo Bound is similar to most other games in the community. You maneuver the cube to jump a few short, quick steps onto consecutive platforms and columns. Be careful of sharp blocks in hidden corners that can also put the character in immediate danger. After reaching the ship segment, you need to direct the main entity to fly up immediately to collect the first coin. The sequence of cubes and ships interwoven with the terrain does not change much with saw blades throughout the space and some floating blocks.

Then, the player will enter the interwoven cube and ball sequence. This segment is more difficult because gravity changes with each key press of the ball. You can collect the second coin in the next wave segment. There are some conversion portals here, but you can stay on the wave to continue, as it will be a bit smoother. A safe straight slide of the cube and the appearance of the creators' names herald the glorious destination.

How to Control

You will not be able to manage the cube's movement speed. Instead, you need to focus on making key presses at the right time. Players can use the mouse button, spacebar, or up arrow key to navigate their character.

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