Geometry Dash Standard Madness
Geometry Dash Standard Madness
Geometry Dash Standard Madness

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Geometry Dash Standard Madness

Geometry Dash Standard Madness

Geometry Dash Standard Madness is a stunning rhythm platform game with dangerous obstacle courses. Playing as a cube, what can you do to beat this 5-star Hard difficulty user-level game? Creator Neptune has developed a harsh map from the simplest shapes. The obstacles in this journey are mainly sharp blocks. Of course, the edges of the platforms also pose a significant danger. If you are a familiar player in this community, you will feel this is a worthy challenge and worth trying. As for new players, it seems that Standard Madness will be a bit awkward. Nonetheless, feel the rhythm; it will come in handy during some of the breakneck passages.

Explore the main track

Geometry Dash Standard Madness starts out not too difficult, but you need to click continuously to make the cube jump over the pointed blocks. Be careful of the small walkways in between the tall columns. Just one mistake in choosing the right time to press the key will cause you to have to play again early. For the three-block spike cluster, you need to direct the character to jump a little late. Use colorful rings to jump over easier, if available. When you see two yellow pads next to a jump path, ignore the first one to avoid the spikes.

Entering a space adventure with the shape of the ship, space is quite comfortable to move around. The most important thing is that you understand the movement characteristics of this state. After switching to the cube segment, the terrain does not change too much compared to the first segment. Continuing are tall columns and clusters of thorns close together. However, do not be negligent if you do not want the cube to explode and lose. After navigating the ship through three high walls, you just need to be a little clever to avoid the floating blocks, and you can win.

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